Holly OlsonShe registered for the Aging Mastery Program® now to help prevent a crisis later. She took the class online, using videoconferencing.

The Aging Mastery Program (AMP) informs, encourages and supports you in taking steps to improve your life and engage in your community. It empowers you to make and maintain small but impactful changes. It incorporates evidence-informed materials, expert speakers, group discussion, peer support and small rewards to build skills and tools to manage your health, maintain economic security and contribute to society. AMP offers 10 core sessions and was developed by the National Council on Aging.

The AMP sessions opened Holly’s eyes to everything from the increased importance of drinking water and staying hydrated to medication management and being an advocate for her own health. She learned more about the long-term benefits of exercising and stretching on body and mind and received encouragement to make it part of her daily routine. And, although the Aging Mastery Program doesn’t focus on chronic pain management, Holly was able to connect with people who experience it, as she does, providing an opportunity to support each other and share resources.

Aging Mastery Program: National Council on AgingWith a goal of healthy meal planning, eating more fruits and vegetables and preventing inflammation, Holly found fresh ideas and shared recipes with her classmates to help her do it. “A majority of people don’t reach out to people and ask questions,” she said. “AMP gave us the forum and the encouragement to do it. I also got a better understanding of the need for being my own health care advocate, while encouraging others to do the same.”

Staying active, staying well

Holly says her mind is still 16, but her body is not. “I want to beas active as I can as I age, but find the right balance, so I don’t injure myself. I want to stay active in a healthy way without pushing too hard and paying the price.”

Holly Olson is clear on the value of the Aging Mastery Program. “I went into it thinking that if I learned one thing, it would be worth it. I can tell you; I learned a lot more than that.”

Tuning up for the long run

Jim Lytte also found the program worthwhile. As a retired UMD college professor and baby boomer with a 10-year-old daughter, he was eager to take the classes, offered through community education in Proctor, MN. He thought he was pretty knowledgeable about aging topics, but said he learned a lot of valuable new information in the class. For example, he didn’t know that a Power of Attorney document becomes void upon death.

Jim LytteAMP covered everything from legal and financial issues to health and sleeping well. Jim appreciated the informational hand-outs and the guest presenters who brought “refreshing” outside perspectives. “I learned how gentle exercises can build muscle strength, and, even though I knew that older people are at risk of falling, I now understand why it happens, and how to avoid it by maintaining good balance.” Jim went on to train to be a leader for A Matter of Balance, another Juniper program.

Jim enjoyed getting to know people in his AMP class. Members continued to get together after the 10-week program ended. He says, “I’d recommend the class to anyone who is preparing for later life.”

If you would like to make the most of the gift of longevity, take some small steps to improve your health, financial well-being and quality of life.

Sign up for an upcoming class

Find an upcoming Aging Mastery Program.

Juniper specialists are also available to answer your questions by phone. Reach them at 855-215-2174.